- Paulding County School District
- Parent Mentor
What is a parent mentor?
A Parent Mentor is a parent of a child with a disability who builds bridges between home and school that lead to more successful outcomes for students with learning, behavioral, and/or physical challenges. A Parent Mentor focuses on guiding parents through the Special Education Program by listening to parents/caregivers and providing their perspective to educators. A Parent Mentor shares community resources and offers parent training.Who is our Parent Mentor?
My name is Yesenia Lopez Alvarez. I am a mother of four beautiful girls. I have six-year-old twins that have Autism. We deal with daily challenges, but as a family, we have learned to be loving, patient and accept everybody just the way they are. I am a very passionate and dedicated person. I love listening to people, helping them, and learning from their experiences. I hope to use my experiences to help your children and you. I am excited about this opportunity to help families in Paulding County. Please contact me. I am happy to answer questions, get to know you, and with you on this journey. Yesenia Lopez Alvarez
What does a parent mentor do?
• Promotes partnerships between parents and educators
• Guides parents through the special education process
• Provides confidential support for parental concerns and questions
• Supplies information on Special Education services, policies & procedures and community resources
• Provides workshops for parents and educatorsWhen should I call a parent mentor?
• If you have questions regarding the Special Education process
• If you need to talk confidentially to another parent about your concerns
• If you need or have information about community resources
• If you would like to become a parent leader and help othersPaulding County Parent Mentor Resource Directory
Paulding County Parent Mentor Directory (PDF)
Parent Mentor Trainings
Parent Mentor Trainings (PDF)