How to Address Parent and Community Concerns

  • Guide To Addressing Parent and Community Concerns

    Guide To Addressing Parent and Community Concerns

    The Paulding County School District’s desire is to respond to stakeholders’ concerns and/or questions as quickly and effectively as possible. In the Paulding County School District, the chain of command refers to communication levels of authority in the school district. Our District institutes the Chain of Command to provide stakeholders at all levels with a person they may ask questions or report complaints. The value of having an established Chain of Command is an efficient tool that provides a roadmap when reporting concerns or communicating with school staff members.

    Comments (-1)
  • Theresa LyonsTheresa Lyons

    District 1

    Schools in District 1:

    Abney Elementary
    Roberts Elementary
    East Paulding Middle
    Moses Middle
    East Paulding High
    New Hope Education Center

    Current Term: 2021-2024

  • Nicholas ChesterNick Chester

    District 2

    770-443-8003 x10259

    Schools in District 2:

    Baggett Elementary
    Hiram Elementary

    Hutchens Elementary
    Panter Elementary
    Dobbins Middle
    Hiram High

    Current Term: 2023-2026

  • Adam ClaytonAdam Clayton

    District 3
    770-443-8003 x10261

    Schools in District 3:

    Allgood Elementary
    Dallas Elementary
    McGarity Elementary
    Ritch Middle
    Paulding County High

    Current Term: 2021-2024

  • Deborah Collett, ChairDeborah Collett

    District 4

    770-443-8003 x10260

    Schools in District 4:

    Dugan Elementary
    Nebo Elementary
    Austin Middle

    South Paulding Middle
    South Paulding High

    Current Term: 2021-2024

  • John DeanJohn Dean

    District 5

    Schools In District 5:

    New Georgia Elementary
    Northside Elementary

    Poole Elementary
    Ragsdale Elementary
    Union Elementary
    Herschel Jones Middle
    Scoggins Middle

    Current Term: 2023-2026

  • Dan NolanDan Nolan

    District 6

    770-443-8003 x10263

    Schools in District 6:

    Burnt Hickory Elementary
    Russom Elementary
    Shelton Elementary
    McClure Middle
    North Paulding High

    Current Term: 2023-2026