What is the Title II Program and what support does it provide for the Paulding County School District?
The purpose of the Title II, Part A program is to increase academic achievement by improving teacher and principal quality. This program is carried out by: increasing the number of qualified teachers in classrooms; increasing the number of qualified principals and assistant principals in schools; and increasing the effectiveness of teachers and principals by holding LEAs and schools accountable for improvements in student academic achievement. Our district must work to ensure that all students, especially poor and minority students, have equitable opportunities to be taught by effective teachers.
In exchange for receiving Title II, Part A funds, our district is held accountable to stakeholders for improvements in academic achievement. Title II, Part A provides us with the flexibility to use funds creatively to address challenges to teacher quality, whether they concern teacher preparation and qualifications of new teachers, recruitment and hiring, induction, professional development, teacher retention, or the need for more capable principals and assistant principals to serve as effective school leaders.
Dr. Cynthia Davies
Executive Director of School Improvement and Federal Programs
Paulding County School District