• Teaching and Learning Header



    The Teaching and Learning Division of the Paulding County School District supports stakeholders in our District's mission of preparing ALL students for success today and tomorrow.  Our team of Curriculum Coordinators work directly with teachers, school administrators, district administrators, state officials, and colleagues from around the state to ensure a comprehensive, aligned, well-articulated instructional program.

    Educational Standards


    The Teaching & Learning Division Actively:

    • Promotes and participates in collaboration with all stakeholders to target achievement goals for students, schools, and the district;
    • Provides instructional support to all schools through professional learning targeting evidence-based practices and instructional frameworks;
    • Supports continuous improvement and accountability initiatives for each school and the district as a whole;
    • Provides direction and support for the selection of resources that support classroom instruction;
    • Coordinates the resources needed to support needs-based instruction through remediation and enrichment models and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS); 
    • Supports whole child development through Student Services, Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS), and Special Education; and,
    • Coordinates curricular activities that support student involvement, exploration, technology, the arts, and career/technical fields.


    Curriculum Requirements

    The state of Georgia moved away from Common Core Georgia Performance Standards in 2015 and replaced those standards with Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) across all content areas. Stakeholders can review the Georgia Standards of Excellence for each course and grade level: Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) - Official GaDOE Site

    The Georgia Standards of Excellence were developed and are continuously revised with extensive input from teachers, parents, representatives from the higher education field, and the business community. The Georgia Standards of Excellence expose our students to more rigorous content while maintaining state-level autonomy over curriculum and testing.



  • The Curriculum Department actively:

    • Promotes and participates in collaboration with all stakeholders to target achievement goals for students, schools, and the district;
    • Provides instructional support to all schools by ensuring best practices;
    • Supports school improvement initiatives for each school and the district as a whole;
    • Provides direction and support for resources that support classroom instruction;
    • Facilitates needs based instruction through remediation and enrichment models;
    • Coordinates curricular activities that support student involvement, exploration to include the arts, technology, and career/technical fields;


    Curriculum Requirements

    The state of Georgia moved away from Common Core Georgia Performance Standards in 2015 and replaced those standards with Georgia Standards of Excellence in Reading, English Language Arts, and Math. Currently, Science, Social Studies, Fine Arts, and other courses remain Georgia Performance Standards courses; however, Georgia Standards of Excellence for Social Studies and Science were implemented in the 2017-2018 school year and Fine Arts will have full implementation in the 2019-2020 school year.

    All of the Georgia Standards of Excellence were developed with extensive input from teachers, parents, representatives from the higher education field as well as the business community. With the Georgia Standards of Excellence, our students are exposed to more rigorous content while maintaining state-level autonomy over curriculum and testing.