Safety & Security
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- Paulding County School District
- Overview
School Safety Conversation - July 25, 2023, 6:30 PM
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Prioritizing our students and ensuring their safety and well-being is essential for an effective and successful educational experience. Creating a safe and healthy learning environment not only promotes the physical and mental well-being of students but also enhances their ability to focus, learn, and thrive academically. The Paulding County School District believes students are our top priority. We believe schools must provide our students with a safe and healthy learning environment.
Emergency Response Procedures
Fire drills will be held once a month to prepare students and teachers for orderly evacuation of the building in case of fire. Students will leave the building quietly and quickly in single file through the entrance assigned to their teacher. They will remain in a straight line and stand in an assigned area well away from the building. The teacher will call roll. -
A tornado drill will be held to make all teachers and students aware of proper procedures. Each teacher will be assigned an area for the class. In case of a tornado warning, students will sit on the floor in the 11 hallway with their backs to the wall. Coats, jackets, or books can be used to cover heads, arms, and legs to reduce injury from flying glass or other debris. Students will remain calm and quiet at all times. All schools will participate in the State-wide Tornado Drill.
Inclement Weather & School Closings -
Lockdown drills will be performed periodically with students, teachers, and other personnel during the execution of school safety and security plans. -
Emergency Closings
The Board authorizes the Superintendent or designee to close the schools in the event of hazardous threats to the safety of students, school staff members, or school property. -
In case of an accident on the school grounds, the teacher in charge shall be notified immediately. The teacher will then notify the office. In case of student injury, the office will notify the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s). Accident reports shall be completed in all cases of injury. -
Bomb Threats
The Board of Education recognizes that it is a felony punishable by imprisonment for one to five years to transmit a false alarm to the effect that a bomb or other explosive is concealed in such a place that its explosion would endanger human life. The Board authorizes whatever precautions and steps that are deemed necessary by the proper authorities should such a threat occur to ensure the safety of all persons in the immediate and surrounding areas.
Handbooks & Guidelines
Inclement Weather and Safety Guidelines
* In the event of a delayed opening, breakfast meal service would be canceled.