• Athletics

Paulding County School District Athletics

  • The interscholastic activities in the Paulding County School District are an important part of the overall educational process. The activities provide
    expanded learning opportunities which include teamwork, respect for self and others, the desire to win, mental and physical self-discipline, and
    pride in their school.

    The five high schools in Paulding County are Paulding County High School (Region 3-AAAAAA), East Paulding High School (Region 5-AAAAA),
    Hiram High School (Region 7-AAAA), North Paulding High School (Region 5-AAAAAA) and South Paulding High School (Region 5-AAAAA).
    All schools are members of the Georgia High School Association (GHSA).

    The objective of the GHSA organization is the promotion of education in Georgia from a mental, physical, and moral viewpoint, to standardize and
    encourage participation in athletics, and to promote sportsmanship and an appreciation for and study of music, speech, and other fine arts through
    Region and State competitions.

    The GHSA website is:  www.ghsa.net 

    For more information or questions, please contact the Athletic Director at one of the schools listed below.

    East Paulding High School: Gene Reynolds (greynolds@paulding.k12.ga.us)

    Hiram High School: Jeff Wallace (jewallace@paulding.k12.ga.us)

    North Paulding High School: Ryan Dyer (rdyer@paulding.k12.ga.us

    Paulding County High School: Kevin Thomas  (kthomas@paulding.k12.ga.us)

    South Paulding High School: Daniel Pinckney  (dpinckney@paulding.k12.ga.us)

    District Athletic Director: Sandra "Rene" Webb (swebb@paulding.k12.ga.us

    SB 42 Dexter Mosely Act



Appendix N