Parent Engagement (Title I)
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- Paulding County School District
- Title I Overview
Title I Overview
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What does it mean to be a Title I School?
Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides financial assistance to states and school districts to meet the needs of academically at-risk students. The goal of Title I is to provide extra instructional services, resources, and activities that support students who are identified as those who would benefit from Title I services the most in order to meet the state’s challenging performance standards in mathematics, reading, and writing.
What will Title I do for my child?The Title I program will provide your student with extra educational assistance.
How are Paulding County School District Title I schools doing?The Georgia Department of Education provides school CCRPI scores and school climate reports for each school. Please access all PCSD Title I school scores information here.
Additional information for each school may be accessed on each school website.
What does Title I provide for parents/guardians?
Title I provides opportunities for parents to develop plans and be engaged with the school and district, and work as partners in supporting student academic success. Please visit the Paulding County School District Title I Parent Involvement website for more information.
Which students does Title I Serve?
The program serves students who have demonstrated that extra assistance could impact their academic achievement success.
How does our school receive Title I money?
First, the federal government provides funding to each state. Then, each State Educational Agency sends money to school districts. The amount of money each school receives is determined by the number of students who receive free/reduced meals attending that school. Finally, Title I schools:
• Identify the students who would benefit most from additional educational assistance based on specific criteria. Students do NOT have to be from low-income families to receive Title I services.
• Set goals and make plans for improving the skills of academically at-risk students at their school.
• Measure student progress to determine the success of the Title I program for each student.
• Develop programs for each individual student based on their achievement data in order to support/supplement regular classroom instruction.
What do Title I programs offer?
Title I programs generally offer:
• Additional teachers and/or paraprofessionals• Opportunities for professional development for school staff
• Extra time for teaching Title I students the skills they need
• A variety of supplementary teaching methods
• An individualized program for students
• Additional teaching materials which supplement a student’s regular instruction
• A variety of opportunities for parents to stay informed and be involved and engaged with the school in supporting their child’s educational experience
• Parent Resource Centers with educational materials and resources for families to check out and use at home
Contact Us
Dr. Karniese Daniel
Title I Director