• Technology division and logo with an image of books on a laptop screen

    The Technology Division of PCSD strives to provide the most effective and appropriate technology solutions, applications, equipment, and infrastructure, combined with the best service, training, and support to integrate technology as a vital component of teaching and learning. 

Technology Leadership

  • Julie Ragsdale, Chief Information Officer

    Craig Ellison, Executive Director Technology

    Christy Ashcraft, Technology Specialist

    Clay Burnup, Director Network Operations

    Kelli Couch, Director Enterprise Systems

    Peter Guerrero, Director Support & Services

    Jim Long, Director Instructional Technology 



Technology Departments

  • Technology Support and Services

    Support for our district's technologies, including hardware and applications, is provided through our team, comprised of a customer care center, onsite field support, and escalated systems administration and engineering tiered support. This department also provides services for our district's initiatives, consisting of project management, solution implementation, and coordination of technologies with construction and renovations. 

    Enterprise Systems

    Systems administration, engineering, security, support, and services for our district's enterprise applications and solutions to meet the instructional, educational, and operational requirements of the organization are provided by the enterprise systems team. Implementation support, programming, report writing, data analysis, data center and server management, and engineering solutions development are responsibilities within this team. 

    Network Operations

    Network administration, engineering, maintenance, and physical infrastructure installation and services, as well as enterprise backup and disaster recovery management, are provided by the network operations team. The district provides a fiber optic wide area network serving all sites, including enterprise Wi-Fi, to meet the access needs of our increasing demand with mobile devices for all users and a shift of operational devices to wireless connectivity and management. 

    Instructional Technology

    Our Instructional Technology department provides instructional training and coaching for our educators in the use of technologies, including applications and tools for delivering engaging instruction in a digital world. The department also provides media services coordination for our district. PCSD faculty, for assistance with digital learning and instructional technology, please visit the Instructional Technology Help Center or email: instructionaltechnology@paulding.k12.ga.us.



Technology Quarterly Reports