Parent Engagement (Title I)
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- Title I Overview
- What is Title I?
What is Title I?
Thank you for visiting our PCSD Title I website! We frequently update and add information throughout the school year. We invite you to check back often! We welcome your input on what would be beneficial for us to share and invite your feedback on what we currently provide. Please contact Kim Williams, PCSD Title I Coordinator at; phone: 770.443.8000 x20031; mail: 3236 Atlanta Hwy., Dallas GA 30132.
What is Title I, and what does it mean to be a Title I school?
Title I schools receive federal funding to be applied to additional services, support, and resources in support of enabling all students to achieve academic success. One important component of the Title I program involves providing opportunities and support for parents to learn about and be involved with their child’s academic experience in school and to be engaged in a partnership with the school.
Title I: Parent & Family Engagement:
Overview of Title I Family Engagement in Paulding County School District
What is the difference between a schoolwide Title I school and a targeted assistance Title I school?
Which schools in Paulding County are Title I?