Canvas Logo

Login Links

student/staff login screen

Student/Staff Login Screen

parent/observer login screen

Parent/Observer Login Screen

Canvas LMS Login Update

On June 1, 2023, we moved to a more secure credentialing method for Canvas LMS. District-managed computers (teacher/admin laptops, student laptops) will automatically log into Canvas after signing into the laptop computer, using the same method as Microsoft 365, curricular applications, etc.

On non-district computers, users will be required to use the full email address format as the username for login. For students, this will be their school ID number followed by (Please note the login screen will have a new look for student/staff accounts.)

Parent/Observer accounts will still use the same accounts they have used in the past. They will need to use the new parent link above or from the Parent Dashboard. (The Parent/Observer login screen will look the same as it has in the past.)