Townsend, Kelley
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Chorus, Guitar, and Music Appreciation
Every Friday is Chorus Spirit Day in class!
Every new student to Chorus needs a short sleeved Chorus t-shirt
Every student uses a singing mask in class daily.
Singing masks are available on Revtrak- listed as PPE. They are $10.00. There is a class set of masks, but you may wish for your student to have their own.
Long sleeved shirts and sweatshirts are also available, but are optional.
The link for shirts will be available until February 1st. The mask link is always open.
Here is the link to Revtrak:
Weekly newsletters are archived below.
I utilize Canvas regularly for posting videos and creating assignments. Please check Canvas often to view upcoming assignments or videos to help guitar and chorus students practice skills at home.
You can become an observer for your student in Canvas. You will receive notifications of assignments and grades if you are an observer. It's a great way to help your student stay on top of their online assignments.