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    Welcome to the Athletic Program of the East Paulding Raiders!

    We are truly blessed here at East Paulding High School to have exceptional teacher-coaches, excellent facilities, and an uncommon community spirit and support. Our student-athletes are committed to reaching their full potential through strenuous practices and intensive strength, speed, and conditioning programs. We strive to reflect an unsurpassable effort and team play in all our competitive games. We believe the intangible qualities of unselfishness, class, poise, loyalty, and "ONE RAIDER FAMILY" are essential in developing our student-athletes. The athletic programs at East Paulding High School are "Committed to building and maintaining a Tradition of Excellence."


    Mission Statement

    The Athletic Department's Misson focuses on the development of the "whole" student-athlete. We will impact young people's character, academics, and athletic development in a team atmosphere. The goal is to operate a program at its highest level with the belief that great teams will follow. We believe that all three components are essential to the programs we serve. Student-Athletes will leave East Paulding a Champion for Life!

    There are four languages of successful athletic programs; Structure, Discipline, Love, & Winning:

    1. Structure: Structure does not exist without Discipline.
    2. Discipline: Discipline is not effective without Love.
    3. Love: Coach them "HARD" and Love them "HARD." When in doubt, always default to Love.
    4. Winning: Winning is significant but not sustainable without Structure, Discipline, and Love.


    For questions or concerns regarding East Paulding's Athletic Programs please email the Athletic Director, Mr. Reynolds or call (770) 445-5100.

  • Athletic Physical Form

    All physicals must be completed on the updated Physical Form (English) or Physical Form (Spanish) and turned into the Athletic Office prior to any participation in athletic activities.  The physical form consists of the physical examination form and clearance form completed by the doctor along with the doctor's office stamp.

    RankOne Sports Forms (Online)

    All forms required for athletic participation can now be filled out and submitted online through the RankOne Sports website. Please see the RankOne Parent Guide (Instruction Sheet).  Please login to access the RankOne Sports Website and make sure you complete all forms.

    The Online Athletic Forms include:

    1. Physical History Form
    2. Athletic Participation, Insurance & Consent Form
    3. Responsibility Acknowledgement Form
    4. Concussion Awareness Form
    5. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Form
    6. PCSD Summer Activities Medical Form
    7. Transcript Release Form

    Please make sure all forms are completed on the RankOne Sports Website and Physical Paperwork is turned into the Athletic Office prior to the start of practice.

  • GHSA

    All High School Sports and Athletics in the State of Georgia are governed by the Georgia High School Association (GHSA). As a member school, we must abide by all GHSA rules, and this includes eligibility. Please visit their website for further information by clicking on the GHSA Logo below.



    The 2021-22 edition of the Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete is now available. The guide is designed to assist you with understanding the NCAA, NCAA Eligibility Center registration and academic requirements, and how student-athletes work toward their collegiate dreams. The guide is embedded below!


  • Boys' basketball tryouts will be October 21 right after school. You must have a current physical and be academically eligible. See Coach Cantrell in the main gym if you have any questions.

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  •  Image result for ghsa logo  NCAA Eligibility Center logo  Paulding County School District Logo