• The Pendleys

    My name is Sharon Pendley and I am excited to be serving as one of the South Paulding High School Counselors this school year.  This is my 29th year serving students and families in education and my fourth year at SPHS.  I look forward to working with all the students, parents and staff members at South Paulding but will specifically be serving students with last names beginning with E-I in all grade levels. 

    I earned my Bachelors degree from Kennesaw State University in Education, my Master's degree from University of West Georgia in School Counseling, and my Education Specialist degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Piedmont College. 

    My husband and I are blessed with two sons (SPHS Class of 2014 and 2018) and a daughter in law. My older son and his wife are 2018 UGA graduates while my younger son is a junior at UGA. We love cheering on our UGA Dawgs in any sport...especially football, as well as, the Atlanta Braves. Should you need to reach me, please find my contact information below. 

    spendley@paulding.k12.ga.us                              770-949-9221 x40015

    For more information regarding the SPHS Counseling Department, please visit the website below. 

