
     Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies! 
     I am Mr. Cunningham and I teach 7th Grade World Geography. In my class we will learn about the Geography, History, Government, and Economics of various countries in Africa and Asia. 
    If you want to know a little about me check out the "About the teacher" tab on this website. If you would like a sneak peak at my room click on the link. My room
    This year we will be using Canvas in class more than ever. It is a great resource and after last year everyone should be familiar with it. My Canvas page includes a weekly agenda on the front page so everyone will know what we are studying for the week. I will also link PowerPoints and other resources there. 
    I use Remind in order to keep everyone up to date on when we are having tests and quizes. I highly recommend that everyone sign up for it. My Remind code is @cc82h4. I also offer tutoring every Thursday morning at 7:45 in room 406 and usually also try to offer it the morning before a test.  
    If you have any questions please contact me!
    Jon Cunningham
    Austin Middle School
  • This week we will be completing our guided notes on the Civil Rights Movement and working on our Guided Research Project. We will take a summative Unit Test over Post WWII Georiga and the Civil Rights Movement. 

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  • This week we will be continueing our Unit on the Civil War and Reconstruction. On Monday we will finish the causes of the war and on Wednesday we will begin discussing the war itself and its effects on Georgia. 

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  • This week we will take our Unit 4 Summative over the American Revolution on Monday. On Tuesday we will begin our next Unit on Georgia's westward expansion. We will start this unit with the foundation of the Universtiy of Georgia and the westward movement of Georgia's capitals. 

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  • This week we will continue our Unit on the American Revolution and its causes. We will review the French and Indian War and learn about the Stamp Act and the Declaration of Independence. We will also learn about the differing views of Patriots and Loyalists. 

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  • On Monday we will be taking out Unit 3 Summative over the Colonization of Georgia. We will then begin Unit 4 on the American Revolution, it's causes and the role Georgia played. On Thursday we will be taking out 1st 9 weeks Benchmark Test. This test will cover Units 1,2, and 3. 

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  • This week we will begin our Unit on the founding of the Georgia Colony. This Unit will last for approximately 3 weeks and will cover not only the founding of Georgia but the colonial period and transition from a Trustee Colony to a Royal Colony. 

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  • This week we will finish Unit 2 on European Exploration and conclude the week with a Unit Test on Friday. I will link a Study Guide for the test later this week. 


    Unit 2 Study Guide Exploration and Settlement Study Guide

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  • This week we will start our second unit in Georgia Studies. We will begin with the cultures of the American Indians living in Georgia at the time of Euriopean contact and move through the exploration of Georgia. We will pay special attention for the various reasons the European nations had for wanting to explore and settle the new world. 

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  • We will begin our 1st Unit on the Geography of Georgia this week. We will concentrate on Georgia's Physical features and how our location effects our economy. We will end the week with a quiz on Monday the 7th over this information. Here is a Power Point over the information on the quiz. Physical Features Power Point

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