• Mrs. Patrick 

    Mrs. Patrick
    Hi!, My name is Mrs. Patrick; I am married to my husband Scott for (28 years) and have three daughters; Abby, 26; Emmy, 24; and Sophy, 20.  I love to travel any chance I get; my favorite vacation spot is Disney World!! I have three sweet dogs that keep me busy.  This is my 13th year teaching and my 10th year teaching 8th grade.

    8th Grade Math Team Video

    The Fam!
    Tutoring is offered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 7:45 am for 8th grade math.

    Remind codes:

    Text @Apatrick20 to 81010 (for face to face students)

    Text @Patrick20v to 81010 (for virtual students)

    Looking forward to a wonderful year!

    Ann Patrick, Ed.S.
    Austin Middle School