• Our Class

    Welcome to Mr. Niklasson's 7th grade English / Language Arts class web page.
    Please click here for a Welcome video clip 
    If the link doesn't automatically open you can cut and paste that link to your URL to see the video. 
    Tutoring is in my room (rm 430) on Tuesday at 7:45am.
    Please follow the following links to sign up for my remind.
    For details regarding my class, please see visit this webpage often. It will include a weekly agenda, anchor charts, assignments and other resources that will help the student and parent be informed.

    Parent Information and Login Instructions for Canvas

    The Helpful Resources tab contains supplemental class materials.
    The Assignments tab contains worksheets and teacher created materials for class. 
    If there is any way that I can make this website a better resource for you, please don't hesitate to email me at rniklasson@paulding.k12.ga.us