Hi! My name is Mrs. Gable. I am married (25 years on Aug. 12th) and have 2 sons, ages 20 and 17. This is my 25th year teaching school! I taught 7th grade for my 1st 7 years and having been teaching 8th grade for the last 18 years. I teach 8th Grade Math and Honors Algebra 1 (9th Grade Math).
You can reach me by email at cgable@paulding.k12.ga.us
My room number is #321.
Tutoring is offered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:45am for 8th grade math and on Mondays at 7:45am for Algebra 1.
Remind codes:
8th grade math (3rd & 4th Periods): Text @math8gable to 81010
Honors Algebra 1 (5th & 6th Periods): Text @gablealg to 81010
Looking forward to meeting everyone and having a wonderful year!!
Mrs. Gable :)