• Picture Hello Parents and Students,


         Welcome to Austin Middle School!  My name is Ms. Thomas and your child is in my 7th grade Langauge Arts or Social Studies class.  This will be a very exciting year in your child's academic career.  There will be a lot of new experiences and important concepts to learn and master.  It is my personal goal to make every child in my class successful in all aspects of Langauge Arts.  I look forward to an exciting year filled with many new experiences.

         I welcome comments and suggestions from the parents of my students.  I also welcome you, parents, to stop by and visit the classroom throughout the school year as active agents in your child's education.  With your help there is nothing we can not accomplish.  If there is anything you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to email me cthomas@paulding.k12.ga.us.  

         I am looking forward to a fantastic school year!


    Ms. Thomas


Important Dates

  • Homeroom 8:40 - 8:45

    NBI 8:48 - 9:33

    1st Period

      9:36  - 10:33

    2nd Period

    10:36  - 12:05 (Lunch 11:08)

    3rd Period  (Connection A)

    12:08  - 12:50

    4th Period  ( Connection B)

    12:53 -    1:35

    5th Period 

      1:38 -    2:35

    6th Period 

      2:38 -    3:35


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  • Please visit my Canvas  page for daily assignmnets, quizzes and test.  For additional information and support for Canvas go to


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  • Remind code for homeroom: 

    1. Text 81018

    2. Message @g9hdbk

    Remind code for Advance ELA:

    1. Text 81018

    2. Message @h7a4kf 

    Remind Code for Regular ELA:

    1. Text 81018

    2. Message @8bf46a

    Remind Code for Social Stuides: 

    1. Text 81018

    2. Message @6f78kd


    Comments (-1)
  • Tutoring is offered every Thursday from 7:45-8:15.  Any 7th grade ELA student is welcome to attend.  

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