- Austin Middle
- Class Homepage
Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year. While it is very different from past years, I am very excited about this upcoming year. This year will require ALL of us to work together both teachers, students, parents & guardians. PLEASE be involved in your child's education.
AGENDAS- This is where you will look for important information. Your student is to write in this daily. for EVERY class. Most teachers use the agendas for learning targets, homework assignments, and upcoming projects or quizzes. In science class there will be a quiz every week. Students should study their notes, daily warm up questions and the teacher website in order to prepare themselves for quizzes. Quizzes count as a formative grade (40%) while Summative tests count as a summative grade (60%). Occasionally extra credit may be given. I will only accept extra credit assignments if the student has participated in the original assignment. Extra credit is use to help bring your grade up, NOT to take the place of the first assignment. Projects, labs and tests will be noted on this website.
REMIND: This is a great way for you to be informed of upcoming tests, quizzes or projects. You may receive messages via text or email. Please sign up for this. When a student or parent signs up for remind, they will receive a 100 for a formative grade. This will be one of your child's first participation grades.
REGULAR CLASSES:http://remind.com/join/rgscienceh
To receive messages via text, text @rgscienceh to (470) 235-4539
To receive messages via email, send an email to rgscienceh@mail.remind.com
ADVANCED CLASSES text @adscienceh to 81010
VIRTUAL CLASSES ONLY text @vscienceh to 81010
Parents and students can sign up.
See video: How to use Remind Tutorial
Please visit the USA Test Prep website for extra help. Some teachers have assignments waiting for your student to complete. Students were given a login and password to use for this site. The information should be taped to the inside of your student's agenda. www.usatestprep.com Tutoring: I offer tutoring on Monday mornings at 7:45. Ms Sell tutors on Thursday mornings and on mornings that we have a quiz or a test. Ms Mulligan tutors on Wednesday mornings. Your student does not have to see me for tutoring. Come to the session that works best for you. TUTORING SESSIONS are VERY Beneficial. We go over the quiz or test.
I may be reached at lhalleck@paulding.k12.ga.us if you have any questions or concerns.
For detatils regarding my class, please see my Canvas webpage, which includes a weekly agenda, anchor charts, assignments and other resources that will help the student and parent be informed.
Parent information and login instructions for Canvas: