• Reading Glasses     

     Mrs. Bristol's Language Arts 5th

    Mr. Runyon and Mrs. Bristol 3rd, 4th, and 6th


    Open House Video


    ELA Canvas Page

    Canvas has recently made a change to how parents sign up. In the past, parents only needed to know their student's username and password. Now, parents only need a student pairing code. We are in the process of updating our internal documentation, but I know many of you are planning to have parents register at the open house, so I wanted to go ahead and send the Canvas documentation. 

    Here is how a student can generate their own pairing code to give to their parent: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-15036-4212938128 


    Once the parent has the pairing code, they simply go to our Canvas in the next 24 hours, click the "parent of a canvas user?" link, fill out the requested information (including the pairing code) and click "start participating".   Here is how a parent can add additional students to their current parent account: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10915-4144237751 

    An admin can also generate a pairing code by finding the student under the admin tab, clicking their name, and then choosing "Pair with observer" on the right.  Please note that Pairing Codes can only be used one time and expire after 24 hours. This does not affect existing parents who set up their accounts and students prior to the change. This is only for people who are new to registering for Canvas or who need to add additional children. 

    Need help logging into the parent side of CANVAS?  Below is the website to help you! 

    PARENT CANVAS HELP (click here)


    School ID:  austin126
    User Name:  AMSlunch#
    Password:  AMSlunch#

    USA TEST Website Help


    Remind 101 Login Information
    Enter 81010 and text runbriela to receive our reminders. 
    REMIND website


    FREE Microsoft Office 
    Follow the link and you can receive free software that we use at school. 

    Mrs. Bristol (Tutoring Thursday mornings)  

    Mr. Runyon (Tutoring Tuesday mornings)


     Reading Cartoon

Classroom Announcements

  • Reciprocal Teaching Strategy 

    REMEMBER...use text evidence to support your conclusions.  Not all answers will jump out and bite you.  Dig deeper by using prior knowledge and experiences, context clues, and your inferencing skills.   We will be practicing these skills in class and in NBI.  

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