• Welcome to my little corner of the internet!  This year I'm happy to be co-teaching forensics and physical science classes.  I’m also the Astronomy club sponsor.   My co-teachers and I use Canvas for updates to our classes.  I post info about our astronomy club here on the North Paulding Website.  Please see the link below to access canvas for school related work.

         I have been teaching since 2006, and at North Paulding since 2011.  Originally, I’m from Buffalo, NY, but presently reside locally in Dallas with my wife and 2 young children.  I attended school at the state university of New York at Fredonia, the University at Buffalo, and Kennesaw University.  Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my family and my hobbies of Astronomy, which has been a passion of mine since being a young child and backpacking.


    Link for Intriduction Video: https://youtu.be/hr_TWIwMHng 

    Please click below to watch Mr. Schmidt's introductio Video:


     Mr. Schmidt's Email:  bschmidt@paulding.k12.ga.us

    Link for canvas:

