• Welcome to American & World Literature!

    Click the below link to view my virtual open house video for American Lit:


    Click the below link to view my virtual open house video for World Lit:


    I can't wait to see you in class. We will learn a lot from each other!

    Mrs. Amy Summers: Room 1214 

    1st Block 8:35-10:10 American Literature & Composition 

    2nd Block: 10:15-11:45 American Literature & Composition

    3rd Block: 11:50-1:50 Planning/PLC Meeting

    4th Block: 1:55-3:25 World Literature & Composition with Mrs. Jen Lauck

    To access daily assignments, click on "calendar". All portfolio pages, due dates, and test reviews are posted there. Utilize this as often as needed! I will update it weekly.

    If you have questions, email me at asummers@paulding.k12.ga.us. *If sending a document from Google Docs, please email me at asummers@northpauldinghighschool.com.* I will respond as quickly as possible. 

    "Show me the potential in every face, in every pair of hands. Show me where two legs may someday walk. May I, as the teacher, point the way clearly. Amen" (Unknown).