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Reading Enrichment
Welcome to Mrs. Vega’s Reading Enrichment Class
The purpose of this class is to prepare you for 9th grade Lit. This class will also guide you into independence and get you college and career ready. The state of GA was given a $22 Million grant to improve student literacy learning and to make sure students are reading on grade level.
In this class, we will be using the READ 180 reading program that will build reading comprehension, academic vocabulary, and writing skills for struggling readers. READ 180 is designed to provide personalized, purposeful instruction to accelerate reading success. It provides individualized digital experiences that engage students and ensure the mastery of critical reading skills. The program consists of whole group and small group instruction in which students will rotate between personalized digital instruction, teacher lead instruction, and independent study.
Teacher-provided materials:
- Folders
- Student Workbooks
- Textbooks, handouts, videos, and other resources will be provided as needed.
- Independent Reading Books
Students should bring the following materials to class EVERY DAY:
- Pencil
- Paper
Class Activities
- Whole Group–Direct Instruction (Opening)
Teacher led instruction to the group about a specific topic and completing the DO NOW section in the back of the workbook. The DO NOW is a language focused activity that students complete at the start of each class. It will be displayed on the board as the students come into the room. Once everyone has completed the DO NOW, students will rotate to the next group.
- Rotation Groups (Work Period)
Small Group–Students receive individualized, teacher-led instruction to help them master the skills from the whole-class workshop.
Student Application (Computer work)–Student logs into the Read 180 website and completes individualized instruction based on reading Lexile levels. There are numerous segments that cover a variety of interests. Each segment has six different levels of instructions. Students will choose one and complete the five zones. Each Zone could take a few weeks to complete.
Independent Reading (Classroom Library)–Students choose any book from the bookshelf based on their Lexile Score. They will keep a Daily Reading Log and record the total number of pages read each day.
- Whole Group Direct Instruction (Closing)
Review of the day's lesson
Students share what they did independently.
Student Application (Computer Work) six zones
- Explore Zone-Anchor video to build background knowledge
- Reading Zone-Modeled Reading activity
- Language Zone-Build vocabulary
- Fluency Zone-fluency skills
- Writing Zone-Strengthen and practice writing skills
- Success Zone-Apply fluency and comprehension skills to show what they have learned throughout the segment
The program consists of six Workshops. There are two assessments for each workshop:
Interim Workshop Assessment-given at the midpoint of the Workshop (Formative Grade)
End of Workshop Assessment-given at the end of the Workshop (Summative Grade)
Computer Application Time (Formative Grade)
Brenda Vega
Room 1225