• The Paulding County School District does not offer middle school athletics through it's middle school.  If your child is interested in playing sports, please contact your districted high school for information on their sports programs or reach out to one of our county's recreational parks.


    East Paulding High School                        Braly Sports Complex
    3320 East Paulding Drive                              775 Industrial Blvd. North           
    Dallas, Georgia 30157                                  Dallas, Georgia 30132                   
    Website                                                           http://www.paulding.gov/index.aspx?NID=644

    Hiram High School                                      Mt. Tabor Park
    702 Ballentine Drive                                      1550 East Paulding Drive
    Hiram, Georgia 30141                                   Dallas, Georgia 30157

    Website                                                           http://www.paulding.gov/index.aspx?nid=643

    North Paulding High School                      Sara Babb Park                  
    300 North Paulding Drive                               216 Recreation Drive
    Dallas, Georgia 30132                                   Dallas, Georgia 30132

    Website                                                           http://www.cityofdallasga.com/parksrec/sarababbpark.html