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East Paulding Middle
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School Administration
Dugger, Connie - ISS
Durham, Lauren - 7th Grade Science
Dyer, Felice - Spanish
Etter, Haley - Art
Florence, Wrenn - 8th Grade Social Studies
Ford, Yvette - 8th Grade Math
Freshour, Robert - 6th Grade Science and Social Studies
Fuller, Niki - Chorus Instructor
Galate, Melanie - ESEP SELS
Griffin, Debbie - 8th Grade ELA/SS IRR
Harrell, Lorilyn - Principal
Hemminger, Shannon - 7th Grade ELA
Hightower, Sarah - 8th Grade Social Studies
Holmes, Stan - Security Guard
Howard, Katie - 7th Grade Science
Hubbard, Bettina - Office Clerk
Humphries, Sarah - Psychologist
Irby, Beth - 6th Grade Math
Irvine, Deborah - IRR Paraprofessional
Jackson, Devonair - PE
Jenkins, Nicole - 6th Grade Math
Jones, Ness - Assistant Principal
Jones, Susan - Secretary
Kinzer. Aimee - OT
Kremkau, Sarah - 7th Grade Math
Manous, Ryan - 8th Grade Math/SCI IRR
McAllister, Chris - Assistant Principal
Mello, Michelle - Paraprofessional
Mitchell, Kristy- 7th Grade Math
Mohammed, Ryan - PE
Nadeau, Rachel - ESEP Lead
Nix, Breanna - 8th Grade ELA
Norton, Tori - 8th Grade Math
Pascoe, Turner - 6th Grade ELA
Patrick, Lorin - IRR Paraprofessional
Proctor, Melanie - 8th Grade Science
Raley, Teresa - Literacy Coach
Reid, David - Safety Advisor
Rhadans, Mary - 7th Grade Social Studies
Ross, Lisa - 8th Grade Science
Runyon, Jacob - EAC
Rushing, Susan - Bookkeeper
Saravanja, Michelle - 6th Grade SCI/SS IRR
Sexton, Tracie - 6th Grade ELA
Simmons, Suzanne - Reading Connections
Smith, Leah - 7th Grade ELA/SS IRR
Smith, Sean - Tech
Sprayberry, Jessica - 7th Grade Social Studies
Swint, Genesis - ESOL
Toney, Jennifer - Engineering and Technology
Towpik Crystal - Counselor
Vest, Bonnie -6th Grade ELA/Math IRR
Waiting, Ann - Counselor
Weaver, Wanda - Lead Custodian
Weir, Erica - Nurse
Williams, Breon - Paraprofessional
Askew, Amber - Paraprofessional
Bass, Mary Kathryn - Band
Bays, Tonya - 7th Grade ELA
Bean, Tracey - Media Clerk
Bechtel, Kara - Media Specialist
Bially, Labecca - PE
Bowie, Alanna - 8th Grade Math
Brewer, Sophia - 6th Grade Science
Calta, Scott - 8th Grade ELA
Camp, Kya - 7th Grade IRR Math/SCI
Chase-Wegner, James - Computer Science
Clark, Rebecca - 6th Grade Social Studies
Cole, Debbie - Cafeteria Manager
Coleman, Julie - ESEP MOI
Dasher, Pamela - ESEP SELS
Etter, Haley - Art
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