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McClure Middle
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Davis, Tracy - Social Studies
Dean, Liz - Chorus
Dukes, Glenn - Business Education
Enriquez, Noreen - ELA
Francis, Sheila - Science
Gaskins, Kerry - Social Studies
Gleaton, Nicole - Teacher
Goss, David - Social Studies
Graham, Brittany- Math
Gravely, Charlee - ELA
Hambrick, Ashley - ELA
Hammitt, Marisa- ELA
Harris, Alecia - Teacher
Hartman, Laura - Social Studies
Hayes, Randi - Science
Hoffman, Christi - Math
Holsomback, Nikki - Math
Kalb, Alyssa - ESEP
Kautz, Christy - Science
King, Cody- Social Studies
Knauff, Joy - Science
Kremkau, Sarah - Math
Kutsche, Jessica - ELA & Social Studies
Lees, Nicola - Science
Loeffler, Amy - ESOL
Lowe, Gina - Counselor
Mathis, Theresa - Virtual
McLeroy, Lisa - Social Studies
Moore, Melanie - Math
Nelms, Nicole - ESEP
Pascoli, Paul - PE
Pettiford-Edwards, Laura - ESEP
Ragsdale, Kristie- Social Studies
Ramos, Lindsey- Science
Reardon, Jason - PE
Reuss, Tim - Science
Rodgers, Angela - ESEP
Salmon, Andrea - Reading Connections
Scott, Latrell - Virtual
Southern, Brandi- ELA
Stephens, Lindsey - Family & Consumer Science
Stockelman, Ashley - Counselor
Strattan, Casey, - Science
Sullivan, Joel - PE
Summers, Cress - Social Studies
Tabb, Amanda- Math
Tenoschok, Molly - ELA
Thomas, Scott- Science
Tolar, Blanca - Math
Tolar, Coty - Virtual
Traffansted, Linda - ESEP
Trawick, Debbie - Math
Tucker, Kelly - PE
Usher, Darleen - Social Studies
Vickers, Tamara - Counselor
Webb, Laura - Virtual
Williams, Andy - Social Studies
Wilson, Elizabeth - Math & Social Studies
Young, Karen - Virtual
Zelinski, Kristen - Art
Boggs, Rhonda - Media Specialist
Chalmers, Amy - Speech
Elder, Damian - ELA
Long, James
Alverson, Erin - PE
Anderson, Erin - Science
Andrews, Lisa - Math
Autenrieth, Chantelle - ELA
Brooks, Shaunda - ELA
Carr, Tessa - ELA
Caseiro, Carolina- ESEP
Chapman, Candace - Math
Cherry, Marcie - Virtual
Cooper, Jimmy- Spanish
Cordell, Gretchen - ESEP
Cortes, Andres - Spanish
Cray, Dekeena - Math
Crozier-Price, Katherine- Band
Daniell, Kathryn- ELA
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McClure Middle
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