• Hello, I'm Mr. Dukes and this is my 12th year at McClure Middle School. Beginning this year I am teaching a new course entitled Foundations of Interactive Design (FID). FID is an 18-week course available to 6th, 7th, & 8th grade students. This course will provide an exploratory foundation in design and development of websites and games. You can check out an overview of all the standards here (Foundations of Interactive Design Standards). Hopefully, all students will be enrolled in my class at least once during their years in middle school, assuming scheduling will allow it.



  • I am also involved as a sponsor for Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and Project Adventure (PA). Both are clubs here at SMMS. FCA meets every Friday morning @ 7:30 AM in the gym and is open to everyone. PA is an 8th grade only club that meets on the first Wednesday of each month and focuses on team building and leadership skill development. 

    I earned a BBA in Finance from Georgia Southern University in 1985, a Master of Business Administration from Kennesaw State University in 2000, and a Master of Business Education form the University of West Georgia in 2009.

Glenn Dukes
  • Canvas - Parents can sign up as an observer on Canvas, the Learning Management System (LMS) used as the electronic delivery and work management system for Paulding County Schools. I use Canvas as my delivery and communication system for many aspects of my class, so please consider signing up and becoming an observer in the class. You will need a pairing code from your student, but we use Canvas every day in my class so they should be able to provide it. If you have previously linked to your student(s) and are already an observer, no further action is required. If you need to become an observer or add an additional student, please follow the provided directions below.

    Glenn Dukes
    Computer Science Teacher