• SMMS Admin

    From left to right: Mrs. Allen (Assistant Principal), Mrs. Ponder (Principal), Dr. Schinella (Assistant Principal), 

    Ms. Bowles (Evaluation and Assessment Coordinator)



    Principal: Tammy Ponder, Ext. 41001

    Assistant Principals:

    Dr. Jenette Allen, Ext. 41029 | 6th Grade, 8th Grade Students with Last Names A-L, Social Studies, 504, RTI, Assessment, Reports/Report Cards

    Dr. Sean Schinella, Ext. 41027 | 7th Grade, 8th Grade Students with Last Names M-Z, Math, Scheduling, Safety, Operations & Communications


    Evaluation & Assessment Coordinator: Teresa Bowles, Ext. 41002 | Science, Language Arts 


    Special Education Lead: Sandra Mitchell, Ext 41510




    Gina Lowe, Ext. 41006 - Students with Last Names A-L 

    Ashley Stockelman, Ext. 41016, Students with Last Names M-Z



    Literacy Coach

    Dr. Ashlie Wells, Ext. 41032


    Office Staff

    Natalie Thomason - School Secretary
    Deborah Gallagher - Office Clerk
    Shelly Bowen - Bookkeeper

    Media Center Staff

    Rhonda Boggs - Media Specialist, Ext. 41026
    Kelly Haywood - Media Clerk

    Additional Staff

    David Ehrler - School Psychologist
    Lissette Holmes - ESOL Teacher
    Valerie Heard - Nurse
    Amy Harris - Cafeteria Manager
    Bridget Barker - ISS Paraprofessional
    Abby Hoover - Speech Pathologist
    Jacob Scott - School Technologist
    Chad Doty - Safety Officer
    Dawn Fortner - Custodial Lead


    Nikki Arnold
    Sue Doty
    Robin Gehr
    Meghan Krzyzanski
    Alicia Willis
    Kathy McCoy