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    World Geography
    Honors World Geography
    Tutoring: Tue./ Fri. 8:00-8:30 room 118
    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
    1st Semester Week of 8/3-8/7  HELLO EVERYONE AND WELCOME BACK!
    Honors World Geography
    Mon. 1st day! Rituals and Routines of the class.  Tue. Continue Rituals and Routines of the class. Student Questionnaire. Wed. Continue Rituals and Routines. Canvas Practice.  Thur. Digital Learning Day.  Fri. Digital Learning Day.
    World Geography
    Mon. 1st day! Rituals and Routines of the class.  Tue. Continue Rituals and Routines of the class. Student Questionnaire. Wed. Continue Rituals and Routines. Canvas Practice. Thur. Digital Learning Day.  Fri. Digital Learning Day.
    Week of 8/10/20 - 8/14/20
    Honors World Geography Reading Inventory Tue. for 2nd Block
    Mon. Unit Pre-test. Introduction brainstorming. Tue. How to use maps: scale, distance, projection.  Wed. Weather vs. Climate, Seasons. Thur. Culture. Note check. Test review. Fri. Unit 1 test. Next unit preview.
    World Geography
    Mon. Pre-test. Introduction notes. Tue. All about maps! Wed. Weather vs. Climate, Seasons. Thur. Note check, Test review. Fri. Unit 1 test. Next unit preview.
    Week of 8/17 - 8/21 If you are absent please check Canvas for the work you missed. I will message you.
    Honors World Geography
    Mon. Begin US and Canada. Brainstorming and Pre-test. Tue. Begin mapping labs 1,2 of the US and Canada. Wed. Continue US and Canada mapping labs 3,4.  Thur. Finish map labs. Map quiz review.  Fri. US and Canada map quiz.
    World Geography
    Mon. Introduction to the US and Canada. Pre-test. Tue. Begin mapping labs 1,2 of the US and Canada.  Wed. Continue US and Canada mapping labs 3. Thur. Finish all mapping labs. Map quiz review. Fri. US and Canada map quiz.
    Week of 8/24 - 8/28
    Honors World Geography
    Mon. Finish House maps presentations.  Begin the Ecumene of Canada lesson.  Tue. Finish Canada ecumene lesson: Urban and Rural areas.  Wed. Begin Urban Sprawl lesson: What are solutions to Urban Sprawl?  Thur. Finish Urban Sprawl lesson. Fri. Begin Immigration in the US and Canada lesson. 
    World Geography
    Mon. ACHIEVE 3000 Baseline test.  Begin the Ecumene of Canada lesson.  Tue. Finish the ecumene od Canada lesson.  Wed. Begin Urban Sprawl in the US and Canada lesson and issues.  Thur. Finish the Urban Sprawl lesson.  Fri. What is the local impact of Urban Sprawl. Achieve 3000 prep.
    Week of 8/31 - 9/4
    Honors World Geography
    Mon. Begin Immigration to the US and Canada lesson.  Tue. Finish immigration lesson.  Wed. Consumption patterns in the US and Canada: GDP?    Thur. Test review. Note check. Fri. US and Canada test. Next unit preview.
    World Geography
    Mon. Immigration in the US and Canada lesson.  Tue. Finish immigration lesson. Achieve 3000.  Wed. Consumption patterns in the US and Canada.  Thur. Test Review, note check. Achieve 3000.  Fri. US and Canada test. Next unit preview.
    Week of 9/8 - 9/11   Hybrid schedule begins Wed.  A-J on Wed. and K-Z on Thur.
    Honors World Geography
    Mon. Labour Day - No school  Tue. DLD day - Extreme weather assignment.  Wed. Officially begin Latin America. Brainstorm, pre-test. Begin maps.  Thur. Officially begin Latin America. Brainstorm, pre-test. Begin Maps.  Fri. DLD day - Finish maps. You may use the maps on Canvas.
    World Geography
    Mon. Labour Day - No school.  Tue. DLD day - Extreme weather Geoterms. Wed. Intro to Latin America. Pre-test. Begin map labs.  Thur.  Intro to Latin America. Pre-test. Begin map labs.  Fri. DLD day - Finish Latin America map labs. 
    Week of 9/14 - 9/18
    Honors World Geography
    Mon. Finish Extreme Weather. Land use in the Amazon - Why do they cut the rainforest? Tue. Finish Extreme Weather. Land use in the Amazon - Why do they cut the rainforest? Wed. Latin America test. Next unit preview.  Thur. Latin America test. Next Unit preview. Fri. DLD day.
    World Geography
    Mon. Achieve 3000. Land use in the Amazon lesson.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Land use in the Amazon lesson.  Wed. Latin America test. Next unit preview.  Thur. Latin America test. Next unit preview. Fri. DLD day - Achieve 3000.
    Week of 9/28/20 - 10/2
    Honors World Geography
    Mon. Begin Europe and Russia - Pre-test and Brainstorming. Begin Maps.  Tue. Begin Europe and Russia - Pre-test and Brainstorming. Begin Maps. Wed. Finish Maps. Europe Population demography lesson.  Thur. Finish Maps. Europe population demography lesson. Fri. DLD Day - Former USSR lesson.
    World Geography
    Mon. Achieve 3000. Begin Europe and Russia. Pre-test.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Begin Europe and Russia. Pre-test.  Wed. Maps and Europe Population lesson.  Thur. Maps and Europe population lesson.  Fri. DLD day: Achieve 3000 on former USSR.
    Week of 10/5/20 - 10/9/20
    Honors World Geography
    Mon. Finish Demography and Soviet States lessons. Supranational lesson. Tue. Finish Demography and Soviet States lessons. Supranational lesson. Wed. Test review. Europe and Russia test. Thur. Test review. Europe and Russia test. Fri. DLD day.
    World Geography
    Mon. Achieve 3000 - Former Soviet States. Supranational lesson. Tue. Achieve 3000 lesson - Former Soviet States.  Wed. Test review. Unit 4 test. Thur. Test review. Unit 4 test. Fri. DLD day - Achieve 3000.
    Honors World Geography
    Mon. Begin Africa - Brainstorm and pre-test. Begin Africa maps.  Tue. Begin Africa - Brainstorm and pre-test. Begin Africa Maps. Wed. Finish Africa map labs. Thur. Finish Africa map labs. Fri. DLD day.
    World Geography
    Mon. Achieve 3000. Begin Africa. Introduction to Africa. Pre-test.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Begin Africa. Introduction to Africa. Pre-test. Wed. Africa map assignment.  Thur. Africa map assignment. Fri. DLD day - Achieve 3000.
    Week of 10/19/20 - 10/23/20
    Honors World Geography
    Mon. Literacy Day - Magnet Summary and Collaborative Reasoning - Good Seeds, Bad Soil.  Finish desertification in Africa. Begin Ethnic Division lesson.  Tue. Literacy Day - Magnet Summary and Collaborative Reasoning - Good Seeds, Bad Soil. Finish desertification in Africa. Begin Ethnic divisions lesson. Wed. Finish Ethnic Division lesson, Begin the impact of Apartheid in S. Africa lesson. Thur. Finish Ethnic Division lesson, Begin the impact of Apartheid in S. Africa lesson. Fri. DLD day
    World Geography
    Mon. Literacy Day - Achieve 3000. Finish Sahel adaptation lesson. Begin Nigeria Ethnic divisions lesson.  Tue. Literacy Day - Achieve 3000. Finish Sahel adaptation lesson. Begin Nigeria Ethnic divisions lesson. Wed. Finish Nigeria lesson, Begin Apartheid in S. Africa lesson. Thur. Finish Nigeria lesson, Begin Apartheid in S. Africa lesson. Fri. DLD day - Achieve 3000.
    Week of 10/26/20 -10/30/20
    Honors World Geography
    Mon. Africa test Review. Notebook check. Tue. Africa test review. Notebook check. Wed. Africa test. Next Unit preview. Thur. No school - Tropical Storm Zeta. Fri. No school - Tropical Storm Zeta.
    World Geography
    Mon. Achieve 3000. Test review.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Test Review.  Wed. Africa test, next Unit preview.  Thur. No school - Tropical storm Zeta. Fri. No school - Tropical storm Zeta.
    Week of 11/2 - 11/6/20  Tue. is Election Day - a student holiday. Mon/Wed students will go Mon and Wed, and Tue/Thur students will go Thur and Fri this week.
    Honors World Geography
    Mon. Literacy Day. Begin the Middle East - Brainstorm and Pre-test. Tue. Election Day - no school. Wed. Begin Middle East mapping labs. Thur. Literacy Day. Africa test.  Fri. Begin Middle East - Pre-test and mapping Labs.
    World Geography
    Mon. Achieve 3000. Begin the Middle East. Pre-test.  Tue. Election Day - no school. Wed. Middle East maps and physical geography. Thur. Achieve 3000. Africa test.  Fri. Begin the Middle east -Pre-test and Middle East maps and physical geography.
    Week of 11/9 - 11/13
    Honours World Geography
    Mon. The 3 religions of the Middle East: Islam, Judaism, Christianity.  Tue. Finish the 3 religions.  Wed. Oil in the Middle East.  Thur. DLD day: Synchronous.  Fri. DLD day: Synchronous. 
    World Geography
    Mon. Achieve 3000: Shakespeare in Afghanistan.   Tue. The 3 religions of the Middle East. Wed. Impact of oil. Thur. DLD Day: Synchronous.  Fri. DLD day: Synchronous
    Week of 11/16 - 11/20
    Honours World Geography
    Mon. Literacy Day - The Miracle of Dubai. Environmental Degradation in the Aral Sea. Tue. Test Review. Wed. SW Asia test. Next Unit Preview.  Thur. DLD day. Synchronous Fri. DLD day. Synchronous
    World Geography
    Mon. Achieve 3000. Aral Sea lesson. Finish SW Asia.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Test review. Wed. SW Asia test. Next Unit Preview. Thur. DLD day. Synchronous  Fri. DLD day - Achieve 3000. Synchronous
    Week of 11/30 - 12/4
    Honours World Geography
    Mon. Begin Monsoon Asia - Brainstorming and Pre-test. Literacy Day. Tue. Begin Monsoon Asia mapping labs. Wed. Finish Monsoon Asia mapping labs.  Thur. Hinduism and Buddhism impact on Monsoon Asia.  Fri. DLD day - Synchronous.
    World Geography
    Mon. Achieve 3000. Begin Monsoon Asia - Introduction and Pre-test.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Begin Monsoon Asia mapping labs.  Wed. Finish Monsoon Asia mapping labs. Hinduism and Buddhism impact on Monsoon Asia. Fri. DLD day - Achieve 3000 - Synchronous.
    Honours World Geography
    Mon. The Global Sneaker Geoterms and lesson.  Tue. Comparative Advantage Geoterms and lesson. Wed. China population Geoterms and lesson. Thur. Monsoon Asia Study Guide. Fri. DLD day.
    World Geography
    Mon. Achieve 3000.  The Global Sneaker Geoterms.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Comparative Advantage Geoterms. Wed. China population lesson. Thur. Monsoon Asia Study Guide. Fri. DLD Day - Achieve 3000.
    Week of 12/14 - 12/18 EARLY RELEASE IS THUR. AFTER 3RD FINALS.
    Honours World Geography
    Mon. Finals review.  Tue. Finals review. Wed. Finals: 1st and 4th.  Thur. Finals: 2nd and 3rd. Fri. DLD
    World Geography
    Mon. Finals review.  Tue. Finals review.  Wed. Finals: 1st and 4th.  Thur. Finals: 2nd and 3rd.  Fri. DLD
    2nd. Semester
    Week of 1/4-21 - 1/8/21
    Mon. No school for students.    Tue. DLD - Election Day.  Wed. 1st Day 2nd Semester. Rituals, Routines, and Expectations.  Thur. Continue Rituals, Routines, and Expectations. Student Information Sheet. Social Contract.  Fri. DLD day.
    Week of 1/11/21 - 1/15/21  
    Mon. What is Geography? Achieve 3000. Pre-test. RI 2nd Block.  Tue. Absolute vs. Relative Location lesson.  Wed. Weather vs. Climate lesson.  Thur. Types of maps, and map and globe skills lesson.  Fri. DLD day. 
    Week of 1/18/21 - 1/22/21  DLD IS ALL WEEK
    Mon. MLK. Jr. Day - no school.  Tue. DLD - Achieve 3000 article.  Wed. DLD - Achieve 3000 article.  Thur. DLD - Begin Unit 1 Study Guide.  Fri. DLD - Finish Unit 1 Study Guide.
    Week of 1/25/21 - 1/29/21
    Mon. Unit 1 test review. Notebook check.  Tue. Unit 1 test. Next Unit preview.  Wed. Achieve 3000.  Begin Unit 2. Pre-test.  Thur. Achieve 3000.  Begin US and Canada maps.  Fri. DLD day.
    Week of 2/1/21 - 2/5/21   WED. 2/3/21 IS A 2-HOUR EARLY RELEASE.
    Mon. Achieve 3000.  Finish maps. Begin Ecumene lesson.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Finish Ecumene lesson.  Wed. Begin Urban Sprawl Lesson.  Thur. Finish Urban Sprawl Lesson.  Fri. DLD day.
    Week of 2/8/21 - 2/12/21
    Mon. Immigration lesson and Geoterms.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Consumption patterns in the US and Canada lesson.  Wed. Achieve 3000. Test Review.  Thur. Unit 2 test and next Unit preview. Fri. DLD day.
    Week of 2/15/21 - 2/19/21  EVERYONE HAVE A GREAT BREAK!
    Week of 2/22/21 - 2/26/21
    Mon. Achieve 3000. Begin Unit 3 - Latin America. Pre-test.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Latin America map activity. Wed. Finish Latin America map activity. Thur. Begin Amazon Rainforest lesson 11.  Fri. DLD day.
    Week of 3/1/21 - 3/5/21
    Mon. Achieve 3000.  Finish Amazon lesson, and begin Extreme Weather lesson.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Finish Extreme Weather lesson.  Wed. Test review and notebook check. Thur. Latin America test.  Fri. DLD day.
    Week of 3/8/21 - 3/12/21
    Mon. Achieve 3000.  Begin Europe and Russia. Introduction and Pre-test.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Begin Europe map activity.  Wed. Finish Europe map activity.  Thur. TCI Demographic changes in Europe lesson.  Fri. No school for students - Teacher Workday.
    Week of 3/15/21 3/19/21  Conference Week - 2 hour early release
    Mon. Achieve 3000.  Supranational Cooperation Europe lesson.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Former Soviet States lesson.  Wed. Finish Former Soviet States lesson. Test review.  Thur. Europe and Russia test. Fri. DLD day
    Week of 3/22 - 3/26
    Mon. Europe and Russia test (moved from Storm Day). Next Unit preview.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Begin Africa. Introduction and Pre-test. Wed. Achieve 3000. Begin Africa maps.  Thur. Finish Africa maps. Fri., DLD day
    Week of 3/29 - 4/2
    Mon. Achieve 3000. Desertification in the Sahel lesson.  Tue. Achieve 3000.  Ethnic Divisions in Africa lesson.  Wed. Colonial impact on Africa lesson. Finish Africa - test review.  Thur. Africa test.  Fri. DLD day.
    Week of 4/5 - 4/9
    Week of 4/12 - 4/16
    Mon. Achieve 3000. Begin the Middle East. Introduction and pre-test.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Begin Middle East maps.  Wed. Finish Middle East maps. Thur. Begin Middle East religions impact lesson.  Fri. Finish Middle East religions impact lesson.
    Week of 4/19 - 4/23
    Mon. Achieve 3000. Begin Oil impact lesson.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Finish Oil impact lesson.  Wed. Aral Sea TCI lesson. Thur. Test review. Note check. Fri. SW Asia test. Next Unit Preview. 
    Week of 4/26 - 4/30
    Mon. Achieve 3000.  Begin Monsoon Asia. Introduction, Pre-test.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Begin S. Asia maps.  Wed. Finish S. Asia maps.  Thur. Begin IT in India lesson. Fri. Hinduism impact  lesson. 
    Week of 5/3 - 5/7
    Mon. Mr. Mantell will be out. E,SE Asia map activity.  Tue. Achieve 3000.  Finish E, SE Asia maps.  Wed. Achieve 3000. Begin China population activity. Thur. Finish China population activity. Buddhism impact lesson. Fri. ADAD video presentation and discussion.
    Week of 5/10 - 5/14  ALGEBRA 1 EOC IS WED. 5/12
     Mon. Achieve 3000. Begin Global Sneaker/Globalization lesson.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Finish Global Sneaker/Globalization lesson. Wed. The geography of Mt. Everest lesson. Thur. Monsoon Asia test review. Fri. Monsoon Asia test. Last Unit Preview.
    Week 5/17 - 5/21 BIOLOGY EOC IS MON. 5/17
    Mon. Achieve 3000. Begin Australia, Antarctica, and Oceania (AAO). Pre-test and Introduction.  Tue. Achieve 3000. Geography of Australia lesson - the Outback.  Wed. Finish the Outback lesson.  Thur. Antarctica geography lesson.  Fri. What is PNG and why is it important? PNG Coral lesson. AAO quiz.
    Mon. Final review.  Tue. Final review. Wed. Kahoot review. Thur. Finals: 1st and 4th.  Fri. Finals: 2nd and 3rd.