• What is Title I?

    Title I is a federally funded program designed to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic standards and state academic assessments. The Title I program focuses on the academic needs of the most disadvantaged students.

    What is the aim of Title I in our school?

    Title I schools receive federal money to provide additional resources to:

    • Support student instruction
    • Improve teaching strategies
    • Increase family engagement

    Title I staff support teaching, learning, and family engagement through instructional support in  ELA and math, professional learning for teachers, family engagement opportunities, and family resource centers.


    How can I get more information about the Title I program?    

    Visit this site often to receive important Title I documents, newsletters, and resources.  Please feel free to contact our school-based Title I instructional lead coach.


    Parent Resource Center Checkout

    Would you like to check out items from our Parent Resource Center? Please click the link above to complete the form


    Contact Your Instructional Lead Coach with Questions

    Jamye Pierce

    Title I Instructional Lead Coach

    770.445.4835 ext. 24608


    Translations of this website and most documents provided through the website are available. 

    • Click on the "TRANSLATE THIS PAGE" option at the top of the webpage.
    • Click on arrow to choose language.
    • For additional translation assistance, please contact 
      Kimberly Williams, PCSD Title I Coordinator
      kcwilliams@paulding.k12.ga.us  770.443.8000 

    La traduccion de esta pagina web y la mayoria de los documentos proporcionados a traves de la pagina web esta disponible.

    • Haga clic en la opicion "TRANSLATE THIS PAGE" en la parte superior de la pagina web.
    • Haga clic en la flecha para elegir el idioma.
    • Para la assistencia traduccion pongase en contacto con
      Kimberly Williams, PCSD Coordinador del Título I 
      kcwilliams@paulding.k12.ga.us  770.443.8000