Parent Engagement (Title I)
Page Navigation
- Title I Overview
- Family Resources
- PCS District Parent & Family Engagement Plan
- School Improvement Goals
- Parent Right-to-Know & Notification of Services
- Parent & Family Engagement Plan
- Family-School Compact
- Annual Title I Meeting
- Joint Achievement in Math (J.A.M.) Sessions
- Title I Events
- Forms & Requests
- Family Engagement Library
- Family Resource Center
- Herschel Jones Middle
- Title I Overview
Welcome to Herschel Jones' Title I Page
What is Title I?
Title I is a federally funded program designed to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic standards and state academic assessments. The Title I program focuses on the academic needs of the most disadvantaged students.
What is the aim of Title I in our school?
Title I schools receive federal money to provide additional resources to:
- Support student instruction
- Improve teaching strategies
- Increase family engagement
Title I staff support teaching, learning, and family engagement through instructional support in ELA and math, professional learning for teachers, family engagement opportunities, and family resource centers.
How can I get more information about the Title I program?
Visit this site often to receive important Title I documents, newsletters, and resources. Please feel free to contact our school-based Title I instructional lead coach.
Dr. Ember Foster-White
Title I Instructional Lead Coach
(770) 443-8024 ext. 26012
Translations of this website and most documents provided through the website are available.
- Click on the "TRANSLATE THIS PAGE" option at the top of the webpage.
- Click on arrow to choose language.
- For additional translation assistance, please contact
Kimberly Williams, PCSD Title I Coordinator 770.443.8000
La traduccion de esta pagina web y la mayoria de los documentos proporcionados a traves de la pagina web esta disponible.
- Haga clic en la opicion "TRANSLATE THIS PAGE" en la parte superior de la pagina web.
- Haga clic en la flecha para elegir el idioma.
- Para la assistencia traduccion pongase en contacto con
Kimberly Williams, PCSD Coordinador del Título I 770.443.8000
Thank you for visiting our Parent Engagement website. This website is frequently updated throughout the school year. For any suggestions on what we can include to make this a helpful family resource for you and a place to provide feedback, please contact:
Ember Foster-White, HJMS Title I Instructional Lead Coach
Phone: (770) 443-8024, X 26012
Mail: 100 Stadium Drive Dallas, GA, 30132