Herschel Jones Middle School is located in the heart of Paulding County, Georgia. As one of the oldest facilities in the district, HJMS is a cornerstone in Paulding County's educational history. During the last quarter-century, the school has served the district as a middle grades, six through eight, facility. The landmark campus differs from most other middle schools in the county as it is composed of a number of different buildings and architectural designs. Since the opening of the facility in 1901, many upgrades and renovations have taken place over the years with the latest addition of a new cafeteria, classrooms, and office spaces.
School Information
100 Stadium Drive
Dallas, GA 30132
Principal: Mrs. Kimberly Silas
Assistant Principal: Mr. Jason Yohe
Assistant Principal: Mr. Justin Munoz
Assistant Principal: Ms. Shannon Toler
Evaluation & Assessment Coordinator: Dr. Lorraine E. Reeves
Office Staff
Secretary: Dana Cordell
Attendance clerk: Stacey Biester
Bookkeeper: Stacy Pope
Nurse: Michele Hibbert
Important Phone Numbers
Front Office: 770-443-8024
Fax: 770-443-8026