• Reading Connections

    Mrs. Voyles


     Mrs. Voyles

     Welcome Video 

    Course Description:

    Students will work on improving their literacy in the areas of reading comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, writing, and language. Thanks to a grant from the GA Dept. of Education, our school will began the Read 180/System 44 literacy program this year. All HJMS students will take the Reading Inventory multiple times this year so they can track their growth on their Lexile. Students begin to exit the Read180 program when their Lexile reaches the midpoint for their grade level. 


    Supply List:

    • 1" binder
    • dividers with tabs (5)
    • pencils 
    • pens (at least 2 colors)
    • 1 highlighter
    • earbuds with microphone

    For digital days, students will need to have access to their Read180 software from a laptop or computer. They may complete their Reading Log using an independent reading book of their choice, or one from the Read180 program online.



    40% grades (Formative)- Weekly grades (Work Log, Participation, Reading Log, Software, and Assignments), 

    60% grades (Summative)-Software mastery checks, Interim Assessments in the middle of each unit, and Workshop Assessments at the end of each unit.

    All work will be completed in class. If you are out for any reason, complete your work through Canvas and send me a message so I know you are on track for the week. Any work not completed by student will be marked as Missing and be scored as a 0% until completed. Parents should access grades through the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus to receive notifications and monitor grades, which will be entered weekly.