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Hutchens Elementary
Engage. Inspire. Prepare
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School Improvement Plan 24-25
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1st Grade - Corbitt, Tracy
1st Grade - Freeman, Natalie
1st Grade - Hatch, Ashley
2nd Grade - Pawlowski, Adrienne
2nd Grade - Abernathy, Emily
2nd Grade - Allen, Tammara
2nd Grade - Reynolds, Kim
3rd Grade - Anderson, Laura
1st Grade - Howell, Amanda
ILT - Shaw, Kimberly
3rd Grade - Tate, Barbara
3rd Grade - Thompson, Lyn
STEM - Lockridge, Tiffany
5th Grade - Miller, Hollie
4th Grade - Sonnichsen, Roxanne
5th Grade - Kimble, Latisha
Admin - Beyea, Lindy (Assistant Principal)
Admin - Brown, Theresa (Secretary)
Admin - Conkle, Jennifer (Assistant Principal)
Admin - Smith, Alecia (Bookkeeper)
Admin - Smith, Priscilla (Principal)
Admin - Lemley, Lara (Clerk)
Admin - Wallace, Jacqueline (Counselor)
Admin - West, Zuri (Evaluation Coordinator)
Cafeteria - Cavin, Chanda
Cafeteria - Harbin, Christian
Cafeteria - Jackson, Tara
Cafeteria - Towsley, Lisa
Custodial - Breighner, Shirley
Custodial - White, Ken
Custodial - Yarborough, Lanny
EIP - Gore, Brandi (K-2)
EIP - Williams, Lisa (4-5)
IRR - Azu, Doris
IRR - Barton, Amy
1st - Martin, Danielle
IRR - Lemley, Lara
IRR - Long, Beth
IRR - Smith, Chelsea
IRR - Swanepoel, Hanelie
Itinerant Staff - Harper, Deborah (OT)
Itinerant Staff - Lorusso, Karen (ESEP)
Itinerant Staff - Lux, Marilyn (LST)
Itinerant Staff - Mills, Jessica (Speech)
Itinerant Staff - Parton, Kela (Speech)
Itinerant Staff - Rowe, Julie (Psychologist)
Kindergarten - Halleck, Melissa
Kindergarten - Powers, Kayla
Kindergarten - Redfern, Linda
Kindergarten - Synowiec, Courtney
MID - Proctor, Cheri
MID - Williams, Melanie
Nurse - Volcy, Rosemay
Paraprofessional - Allen, Karen
Paraprofessional - Drake, Tish
Paraprofessional - Henderson, Lynn
Paraprofessional - Pritchard-Flowerday, Joanne
Paraprofessional - Williams, Christi
PID - Brown, Karen
PID - Samurda, Maryellen
Pre-K - Atkins, Kiandra
Pre-K - DePierre, Adriana
Pre-K - Head, Robyn
Pre-K - Meier, Lisa
SID/PID - James, Janelle
SID/PID - Yarmoluk, Dorothy
Specials - Austin, Heather (Art)
Specials - Baumgart, Amanda (Music)
Specials - Criswell, Carla (ESOL)
Specials - Franks, Spencer (Physical Education)
Specials - Leslie, Bonnie (Venture)
Specials - Voyles, Janet (Media Clerk)
Specials - Wadley, Tammie (Media)
Specials - Zinkel, Kimberly (Physical Education)
Title I - Gillespie, Staci
Title I - Johnson, Jessica
Admin - Smith, Alecia (Bookkeeper)
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Hutchens Elementary
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