About Hutchens Elementary

  •  Hal Hutchens Elementary School was founded in 2009. Hutchens is located in southeast Paulding County. It is a neighborhood school that serves approximately 700 students.

    Hutchens is named for Mr. Hal C. Hutchens, who was born in 1891. Mr. Hutchens was deeply involved in community service.  He was a Mason, an Elk, a Shriner, and a member of the Kiwanis Club. Mr. Hutchens also held offices in the Men’s Service Club, the State Bar Association, and the Chi Phi Fraternity. He was a lifetime member of the American Legion and was one of the founders of Legion Post 111.

    Hutchens Elementary serves its surrounding community. We offer programs such as All Pro Dads and the Spartan Brothers/Spartan Sisters program. Hutchens also holds monthly Family Nights, where the community is invited in.


    Principal: Ms. Priscilla Smith pdsmith@paulding.k12.ga.us

    Assistant Principal: Dr. Lindy Beyea lbeyea@paulding.k12.ga.us

    EAC Assistant Administrator: Dr. Jennifer Conkle jconkle@paulding.k12.ga.us