- Allgood Elementary
- Class Homepage
Welcome to Ms. McCleskey's Kindergarten Class!
Hello everyone. I'm excited about starting this school year! I have been teaching for 21 years and this will be my third year at Allgood Elementary. I attended Georgia Southern University, University of West Georgia, and Walden University. I have a Specialist Degree in Special Education. Teaching is my passion! In my spare time, I enjoy concerts and traveling. I am looking forward to an exciting and successful school year.
Contact Information:
Email: cmccleskey@paulding.k12.ga.us
School phone: 770-443-8070
Important Dates
Please check the resources tab on the left for important information regarding Canvas login information.
**Please note- you will be receiving student logins this week via email and phone.
- Please click on the following link to complete the transportation form for the first 5 days of school.
- Please click on the following link to complete the census verification form. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=6xNNCmZacEqS8Tktbtujqiwm2PSagHdPqxS0UzyVmEdURExYRzZTVjc0QTlXMkkzTFNUR0JPMThHTC4u
- Please click on the following link to complete the transportation form for the first 5 days of school.
Important Reminders
- School start time: School begins at 8:00 and ends at 2:20. Students must be in the classroom by 8:00. Breakfast is served from 7:30-7:5
- Bus Transportation: If you need to know what bus number your child will ride please check here https://transweb.paulding.k12.ga.us/elinkrp/Students/BasicTransBoundarySearch.aspx If your child does ride the bus, I highly recommend that you download the "Here Comes the Bus" app. Click here to find out more https://www.paulding.k12.ga.us/Page/40604
- Transportation: Transportation needs to be circled daily. If it is not, you will receive a phone call from the front office to verify. If your child’s transportation changes from the normal way, you MUST send a note stating the change OR write it on the agenda. If it changes during the day, please call the front office (770-443-8070).
- Snack: Students will be allowed to have a small healthy snack each day. Snacks should be quick to eat and doesn’t require utensils to eat. We eat lunch after 12:00 so the students get hungry!
- Please send in a change of clothes in a gallon zip lock bag. Label the bag with your child's name.
- Money and RevTrak: RevTrak will be our primary form of payment and refunds for all purchases except school lunches. The link to RevTrak is on our school’s website or at https://paulding.revtrak.net/. In the event of a school closure, RevTrak will allow us to refund money to families for any necessary cancelations.
- If you would like to register your student for the Learning Bridge after school program please go to www.learningbridgepaulding.com.
- Visitors in the Building - Until further notice, the PCSD has suspended all visitors to school buildings. This is for the safety of our students and staff. This includes our volunteers, PTA, and those that eat lunch with students. This safety measure also includes walking your child to class on their first day of school. While our parents won’t have this traditional experience this year, we are committed to ensuring that all families have the memories. Please see our First Day News flyer located on our school’s website and Facebook page for directions.
- Meals and payment: Questions about nutrition can be found at http://www.schoolnutritionandfitness.com/index.php?sid=0305131813425871. School meals can be paid online at www.myschoolbucks.com or you can send money in an envelope labeled with your child’s name, my name, and lunch number.
- Behavior: Behavior color will be reported daily in the agenda.
Blue= Fantastic Day!
Green= Great Day!! The student was ready to learn.
Yellow= Oops!- I had to be redirected a few times
Red= Needs Improvement! 4 or more warnings needed. I will contact parent/guardian
- School supply list:
- Pencil box
- Pencils
- Crayons
- Markers
- Colored pencils
- Scissors
- One composition notebook
- Tissues
- Refillable water bottle
- Teacher wish list:
- All sizes of zip lock bags
- Baby wipes
- Sanitizing wipes
- Dry erase markers