Outlaw, Carla - ESOL Teacher
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Parents and StudentsDuring our school closure, this page will be updated on a regular basis.I will be adding information that may be helpful.Please visit often!If you have information you think should be added or have anyquestions, please send me an email!coutlaw@paulding.k12.ga.usLast update: 3.31.2020
Carla Outlaw, M.Ed.
ESOL Teacher
PCSD's Lunch to Go meal plan for students during school closure
Please go to the following website to get a full view and Spanish version:
Staying Connected During Coronovirus
In response to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic,
Comcast is now offering free Internet service for low-income families.
More information here: https://www.internetessentials.com/covid19
Thank you, Comcast!
---Click^ to find helpful applications including access to Canvas for daily classroom assignments:========================================================================Enter my email: coutlaw@paulding.k12.ga.us
Then you will enter your username and password.
Your username is [first name and last name initial] example: FranG
The password is Northside
If you have any questions, please let me know. You may email me since I am checking my emails all throughout the day.===========================================================================SEE the following link for books being read aloud:===========================================================================Knowbuddy Resources, in partnership with publishers Amicus, Black Rabbit Books,
Bookstaves and The Creative Company, is providing free unlimited access to hundreds of eBooks
through our online virtual portal. These resources will be available to everyone until the end of
May, so please feel free to share the link listed below to all members of your school or library
Choose the collection you want to use:
• Fiction
• K-2 Non-fiction
• 3-5 Non-fiction
• 6-8 Non-fiction
• Spanish
GO TO: virtual.knowbuddyresources.com
ENTER >User: info@knowbuddyresources.com
Knowbuddy Resources, en asociación con loseditores Amicus, Black Rabbit Books,
Bookstaves y The Creative Company, está proporcionando acceso ilimitado gratuito a cientos de libros electrónicos
a través de nuestro portal virtual en línea. Estos recursos estarán disponibles para todos hasta el final de
Puede, así que no dude en compartir el enlace que se indica a continuación a todos los miembros de su escuela o biblioteca
Elijala colección que desea utilizar:
- Ficción
- K-2 No ficción
- 3-5 No ficción
- 6-8 No ficción
- Español
Ir a: virtual.knowbuddyresources.com
ENTER >Usuario: info@knowbuddyresources.com
Contraseña: KNOWBUDDY