• Our Class

    Welcome to my Ms. Robinson's web page.

    This week 
    The week of August 31st - Math - NBT.3 I can round using multi-digit numbers. Students will be rounding whole numbers to nearest tens, hundreds, thousands, 
    ten-thousand, and hundred-thousand. We do math warm up every morning which includes examples of how to do rounding. We also do math workshop which is math word problems that directly over the standards we are teaching. Please review your child's math journals with them.
    Homework: This week homework is due the next day. Homework is Monday thru Thursday. Your child may look back in their journals to help them with homework.
    Science; We are still learning about stars and constellations. Your child would love to watch the night sky and tell you about some of the constellations we have been studying.
    Test; There will be a test this week on Place Value NBT. 1 & 2 . The test will be Wednesday, Sept. 2

    I am so happy to be teaching your child this year.

    I will be teaching your child Math and Science. We have very many standards in math to cover this year.

    A very important part of your child being successful in 4th grade is for them to be able to study for their test using their journals. Their journals contain information that we do in class and will be a  used as a study guide for them to use before assessments.

    I have sent home a math syllabus for you to view what standards we are covering when. If you have any questions about what your child is learning please email me at crobinson@paulding.k12.ga.us


    Students have Math Homework Every Night with the exception of Fridays.