• Earth and Space Science
    S1E1: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate weather data to identify weather patterns.
                  a. Represent data in tables and/or graphs to identify and describe different types
                      of weather and the characteristics of each type.
                  b. Ask questions to identify forms of precipitation such as rain, snow, sleet, and
                      hailstones as either solid (ice) or liquid (water).
                  c. Plan and carry out investigations on current weather conditions by observing,
                      measuring with simple weather instruments (thermometer, wind vane, rain gauge),
                      and recording weather data (temperature, precipitation, sky conditions, and weather
                      events) in a periodic journal, on a calendar, and graphically.
                  d. Analyze data to identify seasonal patterns of change.

    Physical Science
    S1P1: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate informatin to investigate light and sound.
                 a. Use observations to construct an explanation of how light is required to make
                     objects visible.
                 b. Ask questions to identify and compare sources of light.
                 c. Plan and carry out an investigation of shadows by placing objects at various points
                    from a source of light.
                 d. Construct an explanation supported by evidence that vibrating materials can make
                     sound and that sound can make materials vibrate.
                 e. Design a signal that can serve as an emergency alert using light and/or sound to
                     communicate over a distance.

    S1P2: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate informatin to demonstrate the effects of magnets on
               other magnets and other objects.
                 a. Construct an explanation of how magnets are used in everyday life. 
                 b. Plan and carry out an investigation to demonstrate how magnets attract and repel
                    each other and the effect of magnets on common objects


    Life Science
    S1L1: Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the basic needs of plants and animals.
                 a. Develop models to identify the parts of a plant—root, stem, leaf, and flower.
                 b. Ask questions to compare and contrast the basic needs of plants (air, water, light,
                     and nutrients) and animals (air, water, food, and shelter).
                 c. Design a solution to ensure that a plant or animal has all of its needs met.