• Welcome to the Russom Media Center!

    The media center contains resources and research materials, children's selections, audio-visual equipment and teacher professional materials. The media specialist and media clerk are available to help students select books, listen to stories, receive instruction, and use resources in the media center.
    The media center is open each school day from 7:30-2:00. 
    Each child in Kindergarten and First grade may have one book checked out at a time. Grades 2-5 may check out two books. 
    Books are due back to the media center two weeks from the date they were checked out. Students may return books to the media center as early as the following day, or they may keep them the entire two weeks.
    We do not charge students for turning books in late; however, we do require the book to be returned before the child may check out another book.
    If the book has been lost or damaged beyond repair, it must be paid for before the student checks out another book.

     Please help your child understand the importance of taking care of media center books. Guidelines for book care include:

    ·       Store your book in your book bag when you are not reading it

    ·       Keep books away from younger siblings who may like to write in them or cut or tear pages

    ·       Always have clean hands when reading books, and do not read them around food or drinks

    ·       Use bookmarks to mark your place

    ·       Keep books away from pets

    ·       Turn pages carefully from the top or bottom corner of the page

    ·       Do not leave books outside, as they may get wet

    ·      Return books on time so others may enjoy them too

    Thank you for the opportunity to work with your children this year. We look forward to helping them develop a love of reading! 

    Julie McGuire, Media Specialist
    Heather Sanders, Media Clerk