Welcome to Panter Elementary's Title I Homepage!

  • Paulding County School District is dedicated to engaging all stakeholders in student success. We invite all families to complete the following survey to help us better meet the needs of our students and their families towards increasing student learning. Your input will help us develop our School Improvement and Parent Engagement Plans, Parent-Student Compacts, Title I Budget, and professional learning for staff on how to work with families as partners for the 2024-2025 School Year. Results from this survey will be shared with you during upcoming events at your child's school, communicated during virtual meetings, or posted online. 

    Please click on the link below to see the FY24 Title I Parent Survey results.

    Title I Parent Survey Results FY24





    Comments (-1)

Panter's Title I Program

  • To give input on documents for the 2024-2025 school year, please click on the Panter Parent Input Opportunity tab to view the files and then email all input and suggestions to Kimberly Chastain, Title I Instructional Lead Coach, at kchastain@paulding.k12.ga.us. 


    What is Title I?

    The Title I, Part A program provides supplemental funding, technical assistance, resources, and program monitoring to Title I schools in order to ensure all children have a significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education that closes educational achievement gaps. In Paulding County, Title I schools utilize Title I funds to employ Title I staff that serves as additional personnel to support teaching, learning, and parent engagement opportunities to advance the academic achievement of our students and to establish home-school partnerships with our students' families.





    Connect with us!

    Contact the Title I Instructional Lead Coach, Kimberly Chastain, at 770-443-4303 ext. 19005, or kchastain@paulding.k12.ga.us


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