About Sam D. Panter Elementary

  • Sam D. Panter Elementary School is located in the city of Hiram in Paulding County, approximately 30 miles northwest of Atlanta. Panter opened in 1996 and over the years the student population has continued to grow. Currently, student enrollment is a little over 500 students, kindergarten-fifth grade. Panter was recognized as a Title I Distinguished School for three consecutive years. With high expectations of all students and dedicated staff, Panter is committed to excellence.


    Panter Elementary School is named after Sam D. Panter.  Mr. Panter was born in Elijah, Georgia and graduated from North Georgia Military College.  He served in the Army as a tank unit commander in the second wave of US troops in Nuremberg, Germany.  After his discharge, he attended UGA and received a bachelor’s degree in physical education.  He began teaching in 1949 at Hiram High School and coached multiple sports.  He continued his education at Georgia Southern and UGA for master’s programs.  He served as the principal of Hiram High from 1967 to 1969.  When Paulding County Junior High was opened, he was the first principal and remained there until 1980. 


    School Information:

    190 Panter School Road

    Hiram, GA 30141



    Jacob Griffith, Principal   jrgriffith@paulding.k12.ga.us  

    Amy Delaney, Assistant Principal  adelaney@paulding.k12.ga.us

    Anna Carter, Evaluation & Assessment Coordinator acarter@paulding.k12.ga.us


    Important Phone Numbers:

    Front Office (770) 443-4303

    Fax (770) 222-9775