• What is Title I?

    Title I is a federally funded program designed to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and to assist students in meeting the state's challenging standards. The Title I program’s focus is on improving student achievement and supporting parental involvement. At P.B. Ritch Middle School, our Targeted-Assistance Title I program provides the following:

      *  Additional teachers to work with students who can benefit from additional support.  

      *  Learning resources for eligible students.  

      *  Professional learning resources for teachers.  

      *  Resources and activities for parents to access as they support their child academically  



    Please visit this site often to receive important Title I documents, newsletters, and resources.  Please feel free to contact our school-based Title I instructional Lead Coach for additional information or with any questions that you may have.

    Ms. Rebecca Chandler

         Title I Instructional Lead Coach

         (770) 443-1449 ext. 48098



    Translations of this website and most documents provided through the website are available. 

    • Click on the "TRANSLATE THIS PAGE" option at the top of the webpage.
    • Click on arrow to choose language.

    La traduccion de esta pagina web y la mayoria de los documentos proporcionados a traves de la pagina web esta disponible.

    • Haga clic en la opicion "TRANSLATE THIS PAGE" en la parte superior de la pagina web.
    • Haga clic en la flecha para elegir el idioma.



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