Adams, Sandy
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- Dobbins Middle
- Chorus
The Fall Chorus Concert is Tuesday, October 4 at 7:00 pm at the DMS GymCall time for students is as follows:8th Grade - 6:157th Grade - 6:156th Grade - 6:30Students must be in full uniform in order to perform.The full uniform is navy chorus polo shirt with DMS Chorus gold crest, black dress pants or skirt, black closed toe shoes.
Chorus students who have applied to audition for All-State Chorus have practices Wed-Fri from 7:45-8:30 weekly. Students who wish to audition must come to at least 2 rehearsals per week until the audition on Nov 12. The $20 audition fee is due Sept 6.
Posted by Sandy Adams on 8/13/2015Journals are an important part of the Chorus experience. Chorus in middle school is more than just rote learning songs. We want to engage the student towards more an indepth and academic study of music, which includes music terminology, anatomy, music reading, and historical study. Journals are checked on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule. The journal acts as an interactive notebook that is the textbook for their music learning. It should only take 5 minutes per day to complete the journal question that relates to the Essential Question for the week. Points are deducted from the journal grade for: not dating the journal, not writing the question, not answering the question, not keeping the journal organized. Furthermore, quizzes and tests are most of the time open journal notes. If you are not completeling the journals, you won't have the answers available when you are taking the test.
S. Adams
By Month
Progress Grades
Posted by Sandy Adams on 9/6/2016 1:45:00 PMProgress Reports went home this past Friday. Remember that this is not a permanent grade for the quarter. If you are wondering about your grade, please note that the first progress report is always skewed a little. There is only one Summative 60% grade and the rest are 40% Formative at this point. So, if you have a good grade for your daily grades, but low grades on the quiz and/or journals, then it lowered your grade significantly. You will have 3-4 more Summative grades for the first term, including the Fall Choral Concert on Tuesday, Oct 4, which is required participation. You will also have many additional Formative grades. Remember, keep up with your journals weekly, do your theory assignments, sing to the best of your ability, follow all rules & procedures, and you should end up with a very good grade for Chorus.